Frank Neely has been a Sales Agent at McCall Insurance Services since 2014. He holds several licenses in the great state of North Carolina for Accident, Health, Sickness, Medicare, LTC, and Life after fourteen years in the industry. He also has thirteen years of experience in banking.
Frank has three wonderful, grown children named Laura, Alex, and David. He has been an Elder and a Deacon in his church. He is an active member in his church and is on the local Boy Scouts of America Eagle Scout Board of Review. He also loves to hike and cook, and his favorite vegetable is broccoli. Frank lives in Winston-Salem, NC.
He is glad to help you navigate and understand the many health insurance options, including Medicare, Obamacare, Dental, Vision, Life, and more. He will do whatever work and heavy lifting are needed to make things easy and understandable for you! His goal is to help you to find a plan that addresses your health needs and makes you happy. Give Frank a call today at (336) 766-1885 or email [email protected].