Final expense insurance is something that may be hard to think about. Just like life insurance and other plans you make to protect your loved ones in challenging times after you pass away, final expense insurance is an important consideration because of the expense of burials, funerals and even cremations.
Final expense insurance provides a cash payment quickly after your death so that the funeral home, crematory or burial ground can be paid. The cost of final expenses continues to rise. In 2012, according to the National Funeral Directors’ Association, the average funeral cost more than $7,000 with a casket (and over $8,000 with a vault). That estimate doesn’t even include other potential expenses like the cost of your burial plot, the cost for digging and filling a grave site, and the headstone installation costs. Even a cremation cost around $4,000.
Many people assume that their life insurance policies can help with these expenses, but these policies are not designed to be paid out quickly enough after your death. This could leave your family scrambling and scrounging the money together to pay the bills now while they must wait for your life insurance to be paid. Final expense insurance arrives much more quickly, and the amount can be based on your estimated costs (depending on your personal preferences for burial, etc.). You also don’t have to go through the same health questionnaires and physicals to get final expense insurance. The process is much simpler.
This is also a chance for you to provide direct input into what will happen to honor your life after you are gone.
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At McCall Insurance Services, we have been providing health and life insurance from our offices in Clemmons, North Carolina from the mountains to the sea since 1983.
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